Add Retiree Status

Add Retiree Status when an employee is newly retiring.

Select button to add a Retiree Status to the record. The last job information will auto-populate.
Enter the Retirement Date and Save. 

When adding a Retiree Status, the existing Active Status will not automatically terminate. Be sure to terminate the Active Employment Status if the member is no longer working.

After adding a Retiree Status, remember to update the Benefit Class and enter any Retiree benefits. If using the Retiree Enrollment module, members can enroll themselves in retiree benefits.

End Retiree Status

End a Retiree Status when member is no longer enrolled in retiree benefits. If a member has died, record the date of death first, this will automatically terminate everything for you.

To end benefits, select Edit icon on Retiree Status, enter Retirement End date and Save.

The Retirement End date represents the last day member is enrolled in Retiree coverage.

After ending Retiree Status, remember to end the Retiree Benefit Class. The End Date on Retiree Benefit Class should be the first day without coverage.