Add Coverage
Bentek allows Administrators to add, modify, and remove coverage on a member's behalf.
Members can add or modify coverage through New Hire, Open Enrollment, Life Event, or Retiree Enrollment modules in Bentek, but there may be cases where an Administrator handles it.
Coverage changes may occur in the following instances:
- Member coverage was not added in New Hire, Open Enrollment, Life Event or Retiree modules
- Some groups choose to enroll Retiree benefits manually
- Former employees enrolling or ending Cobra continuation
- Internal job changes resulting in new benefits eligibility
- Correcting data entry error or administrative exception
Add New Coverage
Navigate to member's record, select Benefits from sub-menu and choose appropriate coverage page.
Select Add Coverage button, complete the New Coverage form, and Save. Be sure to select appropriate Status in the drop-down. In this example, the member is enrolling in Cobra, so Cobra Status is selected.
When adding coverage that includes dependents, member's effective date will be automatically applied to all eligible dependents. Administrators should edit dependent effective dates as appropriate. Delete any effective dates for dependents who will not be enrolled.
Coverage Effective Dates should be the first day of coverage.
If the coverage allows for a PCP, PCD, or PDP number, a Physician field will be displayed to the right of the Election drop-down box. The Physician field can be entered if data is available, but may not be a required field.