Bentek User Roles

Regular User

A Regular User does not have administrator permissions. They are members with a regular Bentek user account.


Administrators can be assigned all available permissions in Bentek. They are able to view and edit the site to the fullest extent. Available administrative permissions include:

  • Adminsights
  • Entity Bill Payment Tracker
  • Generate Bills
  • Generate Reports
  • Site Configuration Tools

View Only Administrator

View Only Administrators can view the Bentek site as an administrator. They can view all employee information but are unable to make any changes. They can view existing reports and bills, but are restricted from running new ones, unless assigned permission. They are unable to upload files. Specific permissions available to View Only Administrators include:

  • Adminsights
  • Entity Bill Payment Tracker
  • Generate Bills
  • Generate Reports
  • Site Configuration Tools

Multi-entity Admin

Clients with multiple entities can configure roles such that an administrator only has access to information and functions exclusive to their entity; they cannot view information pertaining to another entity.  

Assigning Administrator Access

Administrators are not able to assign administrative access for their colleagues. Contact your Bentek Account Manager to conduct an audit of current administrative users, and update access.