Add Benefit Class to Employee Record

Add a Benefit Class when entering a new employee record manually or in conjunction with a Status/Job change.

Select the button to add a Benefit Class to employee record. Choose the appropriate Benefit Class, enter a Start Date and indicate whether it's a New Hire in drop-down.

The Benefit Class Start Date for a new employee should always match the Hire Date in the Status section. Bentek is programmed to apply the appropriate waiting period.

Select Yes in the drop-down to give a new hire access to the New Hire Orientation module.

You do not need to enter New Hire Begin and End dates; these will auto-populate upon saving based on eligibility rules for your organization. These dates control when the employee may access/enroll in the New Hire module. Administrators have the ability to edit these dates, if appropriate.

Waiting period and default benefits are automatically applied, select Save to confirm. DO NOT toggle off any of the buttons or you will remove the waiting period and default benefits.

If for some unusual reason the eligibility waiting period should not apply to a New Hire, toggle off the button next to Apply waiting period, to make benefits effective immediately.