Manage Employee Records

When navigating to a member record, you land on the Employment Info & Classification page. Administrators control the member's demographics, employment status, job information, and benefits eligibility, all on this page.

The sub-menu across the top allows you to navigate to other sections of the employee record, including: Dependents, Benefit Enrollments, Summary of Benefits and Beneficiary Designations.

Employee Record Options

  • On the Dependents page: manage dependent demographics, Cobra enrollment, and view history
  • Benefits: a separate page for each Benefit offered allows you to manage enrollment, view history
  • Summary of Benefits: a great way to view member enrollments collectively 
  • Beneficiary Designations: administrator can view designations but cannot make changes

Only a member can edit their beneficiaries. Administrators cannot make changes on their behalf.

Further down the page, administrators manage member Benefit Classes, which control benefits eligibility.