Process a Salary File

The Salary File option in Personnel Import is designed to process salary updates. Administrators can update calendar year, plan year, or current job salaries. Only records listed on the personnel file will be updated.

Check with your Bentek Account Manager before running a Salary File. Running a Salary File can impact benefits calculated on plan year or calendar year basis.

Run a Salary File

Upload a personnel file including salary data and select the file you want to run.

Select the Import Group in drop-down and toggle on Salary File button.

Select whether salary data on personnel file should update the Plan Year, Calendar or Job salary.

  • Plan Year is configured according to Client's benefits plan year (for example Oct 1 - Sept 30)
  • Calendar year is January 1 - December 31
  • Job salary is the current salary the employee is being paid

Select the Time Period. Are you updating the Current year's salary or Next year's salary? When answering this question be sure to think about whether a new plan year has already been created. See commonly occurring examples below.

Example Scenarios:

  • Your organization offers benefits based on Calendar year salary. Each year in December you import a salary file, selecting Calendar Year and Next (if you imported the salary data in January, you would choose Calendar year and Current).
  • Your organization offers benefits based on Plan Year salary. Each year before Open Enrollment you import a salary file, selecting Plan Year and Next (so when members go through OE they see correct benefit amounts for new plan year). Keep in mind, you can only select "Next" when the future plan year is published and in production. 
  • Your organization processes Job salary increases annually on October 1. You import a salary file in October, selecting Job and Current.

Run the file.

Unlike other personnel import changes, salaries do not need to be approved one at a time. Any relevant salary changes will be automatically updated in Bentek, based on data in the personnel file.

Select History tab to download a report showing all salary updates.

Check Error Reports for any data issues.  

If a personnel file contains data for multiple salaries, for example Calendar year and Job, the personnel import should be run multiple times to update all relevant salaries.

Bentek will only update records in an Active status. The History report will indicate if members could not be updated.