Import Changes

Working in the Personnel Import under Changes category...

Changes include any discrepancies on a member record between data recorded in Bentek and data on the personnel file.

Expand member record to compare discrepancies.

As you compare fields for the data currently in Bentek (first column) with data on the personnel file (second column), use the following actions:

  • If all information in Personnel column is correct, leave the radio buttons defaulted to make changes in Bentek and Approve.
  • If all information on Personnel file is incorrect, use the Deny button to retain current information in Bentek.
  • If some information is correct under Bentek and Personnel, use radio buttons to select correct data in each column and Approve.

Job Changes

It's important when reviewing Changes to keep an eye out for potential Job Changes. If you see job information discrepancies, the member may be changing jobs. The default job in the drop-down is the current job, so it's easy to accidentally edit over the current job.

If you determine a member is changing jobs, select Add a New Job from the drop-down, rather than editing over the current job.

A new benefit class does not need to be created if the employee will not be eligible for new or different benefits.

If the job change does impact benefit options, be sure to Add Benefit Class do not edit over the current/old benefit class.

  • Select Approve when all changes are properly recorded.
  • If it's determined the job information changes on personnel file are not correct, use the Deny button to retain current information in Bentek.