Import Returning Records

Working in the Personnel Import under Returning category...

Expand member record.

  • Review or edit demographics and contact information
  • Review new status and/or job information
  • Select appropriate benefit class and enter Start Date
  • Select how the record should be updated (typically New Benefits/New Job for rehires)
  • Administrators can always select Deny to remove a record from the import and prevent the update from being saved

New Benefits Option: A new benefit class is required. Member will be subject to the new hire eligibility waiting period.

Old Benefits Options: These options should rarely be used. Member is enrolled in former benefits and not subject to new hire eligibility waiting period

If the employee is being reinstated without a break in service or with a date other than the standard eligibility waiting period, the record may need to be manually updated. Administrator should deny the change through Personnel Import, to later update it manually.

An alert will appear if a benefit class to be reinstated conflicts with a current or future benefit class. An alert will advise Administrator to review member's record and manually remove the conflicting benefit class.