Add Verified Email or Cell Phone

Users can add an email address or cell phone number under My Account.
Once logged in, select the person icon in the top right corner of any page.

Use the Edit icon (pencil) to enter an email address of your choice or a cell phone number or both.

Upon saving the email or cell phone data, a confirmation email and/or text will be sent from Bentek Support.

Complete the Verification

In order to verify email, users must navigate to their email inbox to find the confirmation email from Bentek Support ([email protected]). Click on the Confirm Email Address button, to verify the email.

Below is a sample confirmation email from Bentek Support.

In order to verify a cell phone, users check their phone for an SMS/text message, and use the link to complete verification of their cell phone. 

Only users with a verified email or cell phone on record can receive notifications from Bentek. A verified email can also be used to reset or retrieve the Bentek username and password.