The Administrator's Dashboard
Bentek Administrators can customize their Dashboard. The Dashboard is unique to each user account, therefore any changes made to your Dashboard will not impact another user's Dashboard.
Expand My Dashboards to Add New Dashboard. Setup as many different dashboards as you like.
Customize Widgets
- Add widgets to your Dashboard by selecting the Add Widget button at the top.
- Export widget data to Excel file using the download icon.
- View widget description by clicking the information icon.
- Remove widgets using the trash can icon (widgets can always be added again).
- Move widget - click and hold, then drag to desired location on the page.
- Resize widgets using the double arrow icon in bottom right corner. Click and hold, then drag to change height or width.
Use radio buttons and search fields within widgets to easily filter and find data.
Some widgets have buttons to quickly navigate to specified pages or reports. Employee and Dependent names are also links to navigate to the record.