Terminate Coverage
Coverage is typically terminated when a member's Employment Status and Benefit Class are terminated. If for special reason an Administrator needs to terminate a single coverage, they can edit the coverage record per instruction below.
Terminate a Coverage
Navigate to member's record, select Benefits from sub-menu and choose appropriate coverage page.
Select Edit icon, enter Termination Date and Save.
The coverage Termination Date works the same as Benefit Class end date. The Termination Date should be the first day a member is no longer eligible for coverage. The first day of "No Coverage."
Example: Member coverage continues through end of the month, 2/28/2021; the correct Termination date is 3/1/2021 (first day without coverage).
If dependents were covered, confirm their termination dates match the members. If a dependent should be terminated while the member remains covered, see instruction on how to Terminate Dependent Coverage.
Comments can be added to document a special coverage termination.